Sunday, February 14, 2010

Post-MBA Job Opportunities

For some time I have been wondering about the various available options after my MBA.

Marketing: The art of selling junk, semi-junk and at times a usable product as well.

Consultancy: Writing crap and masquerading it in such a manner that your client feels that he has been endowed with pearls of wisdom.

Finance: The art and science of creating mathematical models which obfuscate the truth beyond recognition, thereby ensuring that you keep getting richer while your clients file for bankruptcy.

Systems: Similar to marketing, but a pre-requisite for this job is a thick skin.

Operations: Actual work, for a change.

I hope some Operations firms turn up at my college. At least then I will have a shot at earning my wages.


  1. You want to work! My, you have changed.

  2. But the universe doesn't want me to work. Not more than 2-3 operations companies will turn up at our college.
    So my best guess is that I would end up in marketing/systems.
